[vc_row row_height_percent=”0″ override_padding=”yes” h_padding=”0″ top_padding=”2″ bottom_padding=”2″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ column_width_percent=”100″ shift_y=”0″ z_index=”0″ shape_dividers=””][vc_column column_width_percent=”100″ align_horizontal=”align_center” overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_single_image media=”1110″ media_width_percent=”70″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_height_percent=”0″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ column_width_percent=”100″ shift_y=”0″ z_index=”0″][vc_column column_width_percent=”80″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″][vc_column_text]There are many expressions of literature in Trieste: Claudio Grisancich (1939) is one of the protagonists of dialect literature, a continuation of a tradition that has seen extraordinary figures emerge from local boundaries, such as Biagio Marin, who wrote in “graisan” (the dialect of the neighboring Grado) and who was predecessor of Grisancich as an employee of Assicurazioni Generali, but also Virgilio Giotti and Anita Pittoni, whom Grisancich knew personally, up to the unforgettable Carolus Cergoly and Manlio Malabotta.
Grisancich writes: “With this text I wanted to compose a rhapsodic tribute to a city that has often been said as if it were not “a city like any other: that it is beautiful, straight, bright but that dialogue is difficult, that no one does know what we Triestiners want, between historical burning and the quiet madness of the intervals that divide them, and, who knows, maybe we really don’t want anything at all, or at least nothing exceptional and therefore not even flattery and compliments ”.
Singer-songwriter Toni Bruna, the second guest of the evening, is one of the protagonists of Trieste’s new wave, among which we quote Stefano Schiraldi and the Maxmaber Orchestra, just to name a few.
The event is organized by Mimì & Cocotte in collaboration with the Svevo Museum in support of Trieste’s candidacy for the UNESCO Creative City.
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