Saba Museum

The literate Vincenzo

Postcard from Umberto Saba to Silvio Benco, Bologna, 10th September 1913
The short message focuses on the play Il letterato Vincenzo, which is staged on 22nd September in Trieste “and is a fiasco” (Mattioni, Storia di Saba). “If you attend the performance, do not think you will hear il letterato Vincenzo, as I have presented him. hey speak to me of certain cuts, which I cannot think about without disproportionately increasing the discomfort I already feel at the thought of the performance”. The postcard is addressed to the “Caffè del Municipio in Piazza Grande” which became “Caffé Garibaldi in Piazza Unità d’Italia” after 1919 and remained for a long time the meeting place of Trieste’s literati.
