Giacomo Joyce
Between 1911-1914 Joyce wrote Giacomo Joyce, an enigmatic text composed of 50 unconnected and irregular fragments
Between 1911-1914 Joyce wrote Giacomo Joyce, an enigmatic text composed of 50 unconnected and irregular fragments
“Written in the Military Depot at Monte Oliveto in the summer of 1907″
This short correspondence is the first known composition by Saba to appear in print.
Friends, contemporaries, kindred in attitude and artistic sensibility.
“Speaking of names: I have given the Lady’s name to the protagonist of the book I am writing.”
James Joyce, Chamber Music, London, Elkin Mathews, 1907;
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 2. ed., London, The Egoist Ltd., 1917
with the contribution of
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