Saba Museum

The blue lens of poetry

Umberto Saba

Umberto Saba totally identified life with poetry. The notion of literature as a path of self-discovery leading to self-representation is deeply embedded in all of his poems. The Canzoniere is a sort of mirror in which Saba scrutinized and envisaged himself. It is a self-portrait made of words, written over time and rearranged on paper. Each poem may be considered a self-portrait reflecting the poet’s unceasing need to revise his countless self-images, by adding new details and deleting old ones. Given his familiarity with psychoanalysis, Saba kept varying the lens of his poetic camera, so that new details came to the fore while old ones faded into the background.

For him, the representation of the self was an amalgama of many disparate elements: his city, his partner, the people he loved, the books he read. The fragmented vibration of his poetic voice is unmistakable.
Scoperta la psicanalisi, Saba cambia l’obiettivo della sua sensibilissima fotocamera. Il ritratto muta ancora: dettagli prima secondari vengono posti in primo piano, altri sfumano nell’indistinto dello sfondo. Una poetica di puro rispecchiamento? Non proprio. La rappresentazione del sé sabiano è fatta di molti elementi: la sua città, la sua donna, i suoi affetti, le sue letture, il suo pensiero. Tutto entra nel quadro frammentato, mobilissimo e sonoro che ci è restituito dalla sua voce inconfondibile.

Saba mentre si accende la pipa, Milano, gennaio 1946 > Federico Patellani © Archivio Federico Patellani - Regione Lombardia / Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, Milano-Cinisello Balsamo
Saba mentre si accende la pipa, Milano, gennaio 1946 > Federico Patellani © Archivio Federico Patellani - Regione Lombardia / Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, Milano-Cinisello Balsamo

Display Case

“We are profound, we become clear again”
“I’m now very close to becoming a bibliophile myself”
Friends, contemporaries, kindred in attitude and artistic sensibility.
This short correspondence is the first known composition by Saba to appear in print.
“Written in the Military Depot at Monte Oliveto in the summer of 1907"


Canzoniere Story

“You know it, friends, and I do too.
Poems also resemble soap bubbles:
one flies up, and another, no”

Credevo sia dolce sognare.
Ma il sogno è uno specchio, che intero
mi rende, che sa smascherare
l’intimo vero.

Umberto Saba, Il sogno
